Defeat AB 119
Dear Animal Owner Association Member:
If we come together in the next 72 hours, we may be able to defeat AB 119, and I am asking for your support.
This is the HSUS/ASPCA bill that allows out-of-state vets and vet techs to come into our state during the time of a “critical incident.”
We have worked with the bill’s sponsor but come to an impasse.
AB 119 infringes upon our rights as animal owners and could impact or deny us due process. It could cause undue pressure on law enforcement agencies to obtain warrants in situations reported – even if they are not critical. We have many examples of professional breeders who have been impacted and embarrassed for doing nothing wrong.
The search and seizure raids authorized by AB 119 have been deemed illegal in 6 states.
Please e-mail or call the following Nevada Assembly Commerce committee members and let them know that you oppose this overreaching measure (talking points below). No group e-mails please; send them individually. Be respectful and polite, and tell them why you oppose the bill.
Chairman Randy Kirner – – 775.684.8848
Vice Chair Victoria Seaman – – 775.684.8847
Paul Anderson – – 775.684.8853
John Ellison – – 775.684.8831
Michele Fiore – – 775.684.8829
Ira Hansen –